Skalmierz, 26 April 1989
the “Zorza” weekly
“List of persons reported missing”
Having learned from the press – “Słowo Pwszechne” and “Zorza” – [that the list of persons reported missing is being updated] I would like to add a few words regarding my brother, Franciszek Szczupak. He sent one letter from the camp in Ostashkov. The address was written in Russian.
Щупак Франц Игнатьевич [Shchupak Frants Ignatevich]
Город Осташков [town of Ostashkov]
Калининская обл. [Kalininskaya Oblast]
Почтовый ящик № 37 CCCP [Mailbox no. 37 USSR]
I would like to mention that I wrote several letters and searched via the Polish Red Cross in Warsaw – all in vain. The Polish Red Cross at Mokotowska Street in Warsaw has a file on my brother, Franciszek Szczupak.
My brother mentioned in his letter that Wiśniewski from Staw, who was a policeman too, and who came from Pomerania, was there as well. I informed his family, who did not receive a letter from him.
I would like to add that the police from Leszno did not return and that the policemen had been wearing military uniforms.
Mrs. Władysława Policzkiewicz, residing in Leszno, with whom I exchanged letters during and after the war, did not receive letters from her father – Jankowiak from Leszno, and her husband – Policzkiewicz from Garzyn near Leszno,
This is what I know and I would like to share it with you.
W. Szczupak
P.S. I would also like to know if it is possible to visit my brother’s grave, and learn where I should apply for such a thing, since I heard on television that the families were visiting Katyń.
The person who went missing in the USSR:
1. Franciszek Szczupak, son of Ignacy and Marianna, née Szafirowicz, born on 3 September 1911 in Skalmierz, district of Kalisz, the last place of residence: Leszno Wielkopolskie, Poznań Voivodeship, internment camp: Ostashkov.
4. State Police Station in Leszno, corporal.
5. Most likely near Baranowicze.
6. One letter, dated 27 November 1939, arrived from Ostashkov camp.