1. Personal data (name, surname, rank, age, occupation, and marital status):

Gunner Hersz Giller, born in 1917, tailor, bachelor.

2. Date and circumstances of the arrest:

I was arrested on 22 June 1940 in Białystok.

3. Name of the camp, prison, place of forced labor:

Ukhta, 11th camp point.

4. Description of the camp, prison:

There were many buildings, and it was very dirty.

5. Social composition of prisoners, deportees:

There were 500 prisoners, including 30 Poles, some Chinese and Russians.

6. Life in the camp, prison:

They woke us up at 4.00 a.m. every day. We went to the canteen, had some soup. At 5.00 a.m. we went to work. I walked eight kilometers on foot. If you did not meet the quota, you were locked in a dark cell for the night and were given 300 grams of bread in the morning.

7. Attitude of the NKVD towards Poles:

The attitude of the authorities towards Poles was not good. I did not want to become a Soviet citizen, so they locked me up for five years. I received no information.

8. –

9. Was it possible to keep in touch with the home country and your family?

I had no contact with the home country.

10. When were you released and how did you join the army?

I was released on 26 August 1941 and was sent to Buzuluk.