On 9 May 1969 in Warsaw, assistant prosecutor Eugenia Czuba of the District Prosecutor’s Office for Warsaw-Żoliborz heard the person named below as a witness, without an oath. After informing the witness about the right [to] refuse to testify (according to Article 94 of the Criminal Code) and the criminal liability for false testimony, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Pelagia Błaszczuk
Age 41
Parents’ names Jan, Stanisława
Place of residence Warszawa, Trylogii Street 18
Occupation shop assistant, Warszawska Spółdzielnis Spożywców Społem
Criminal record none
Relation to the parties none

Having been cautioned about criminal liability under Art. 140, I testify that:

After I was deported from Warsaw after the Warsaw Uprising to Żyrardów, I learned from a woman from Żoliborz (I don’t know her name), who was also in exile, that my husband was dead and had been buried in the Piaski [Sands] area. I should explain that when we were deported from Warsaw, my husband and some other men hid in the area of [Piaski] in a bunker dug into the ground and camouflaged. When I got this message—knowing that my husband had been hiding in the Piaski—I was convinced that it was for real and that I should stop looking for my husband.

After the liberation, I returned to Warsaw, but to the area of the Piaski, because my husband had been looking for me in the meantime through the Central Welfare Council, and so I found out that he was alive. I left Warsaw, as I recall, at the beginning of September.

I don’t know anything about an execution taking place in the Piaski. Nor did I see any corpses on Burzycka’s estate.

I have heard many times that during the night the Germans were transporting Poles in trucks, who were calling out for help. As it turned out later, [these Poles] were deported to Palmir and shot there.

I don’t know anything about the deportation of prisoners to the woodworks between Słowackiego and Żeromskiego Street, who were then employed there.

I have read the report.