Name and surname | Zofia Kacprzyk, née Zalewska |
Age | 28 |
Parents’ names | Wacław and Agnieszka, née Fit |
Place of residence | Nowy Targ, [...] |
Occupation | piece-worker in P.Z.U.W. |
Criminal record | none |
Relationship to the parties | none |
Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:
Maria Mandl terrorized the prisoners – men and women alike – and even the SS men were afraid of her. She gave out beatings and kicks at every opportunity, even for no reason, and pulled us by the hair; she was a sadist. She participated in the selection of sick prisoners for death – i.e. during the so-called selections. At the morning roll calls, which were always held early, if there were any seriously ill prisoners who were afraid to go to the infirmary, in case the Germans murdered them there, Mandl would order them to be taken out to the fields. Those patients had to lie in the mud or in the cold during the whole roll call, which sometimes lasted two or three hours, or even longer. Mandl beat and kicked them calling them Polish swine and wishing that they would just “die” at last.
Max Grabner was the head of the Political Department. He came to the hospital office and to the blocks to find prisoners against whom he was investigating some kind of case. At the same time, he behaved politely. I don’t know his activities in the political block.
The head of clothing warehouses, I think she’s the one listed number nine on the list – Teresa Brandl, carried out an inspection by collecting sheets and spare clothes. During this inspection, she kicked and hit me when I didn’t want to take out potatoes and cabbages from under my friend’s bed.
As an employee of the camp hospital, I used to observe the criminal activities of Dr. Mengele, Dr. Koenig, orderly Niedźwiedzki (who chose prisoners and killed them with an injection to the heart), Perschel, Taube.