28 June 1945
Main Commissioner for State Security
[Martin] Hinkens
PV no. 205/45
Continuation of PV 202 and 204 from 20 and 22 June 1945
[Martin] Hinkens
Regarding: unknown persons (from Germany)
Subject: guilty of mistreating prisoners
Testifying: Ruchla [Rachela] Cygler, Polish national, born 8 February 1909 in Tomaszów, residing at [...], Brussels
On 20 June 1945 at 6.30 p.m., I, Martin Hinkens, Main Commissioner for State Security, officer of the judiciary police, assisting the Auditor General, heard our inspector Adelin Verbans, who stated in French:
On 22 June 1945 at 2.00 p.m., I heard Ruchla Cygler, Polish national, born 8 February 1909 in Tomaszów (Poland), residing at [...] in Brussels, who stated as follows in French:
I was arrested by the Gestapo on avenue Louise in Brussels on 18 Jaunary 1943 and immediately sent to the concentration camp at Malines, and thence, a few days later, to Birkenau.
I went through the same ordeal as Ms. Chana Kupferminc, and I confirm her testimony, read out to me, on all the points.
When I was registered at the entrance to block 10 at Auschwitz, I received number 42645, underlined with a triangle. This number was tattooed onto my left forearm. The next morning I was examined by Prof. Clauberg, who did not find me a suitable candidate for his experiments, so I was placed at the disposal of Dr. Wirths. I met the same fate as my companion Kupferminc and experienced the same suffering. After around two months I was sent back to Birkenau, where I was assigned to the cleaning kommando, the hardest women’s kommando. The food was very simple: 250 g of bread and half a liter of soup per day. No hygiene whatsoever. We avoided medical treatment in fear of being subjected to a selection and sent to the gas chamber and crematorium. After being in the camp, I traveled the same way as Lily Cohen during the evacuation. I have to add that when it comes to Birkenau, the facts reported by the latter are exact, and I confirm them on all the points.
Read and signed.
The testimonies of Lily Cohen and Chana Kupferminc were the object of our PV 202 and 204 from 20 and 22 June 1945.
Done on the same day.