I, Józef S. Ceughlin, 32699548, Pfe, the Seventh Army, War Crimes Branch, French Zone of Occupation, APO 758, having been duly sworn in by Leon Simon, 01295952, infantry lieutenant, the Seventh Army, War Crimes Branch, APO 758, declare that I was involved in this case in the capacity of a sworn translator and translated the submitted testimony accurately from German into English as follows:

Name and surname Hermann Kuhlemann
Date and place of birth 22 October 1908 in Barntrup ([Kreis] Lippe), Selbecker Straße 18
Father’s name Fritz Kuhelmann, born and died in Barntrup
Mother’s name Teresa Kuhelmann, née Nikel, [born in] Bayreuth (Bavaria)
Family wife, one child (9-year-old)

From 1923 until 1926 I was studying to be a locksmith. From 1927 until 1931 I was helping to build several machine factories. From August 1931 until February 1940 I was a car mechanic in the USSR. When I came back from Russia in 1940, I was arrested by the Gestapo.

Reason: a politically useless element, acting to the detriment of the present authorities. I was first sent to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen; later to the concentration camps in Neuengamme near Hamburg, Lublin, Auschwitz and Flossenbürg. I was a member of the KPD [Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands – Communist Party of Germany] from 1931 until 1935. I was then excluded because I had joined the Russian Communist Party. The following people can provide more information concerning my character and incarceration:

Ludwig Einicke, Nordhausen (Harz), [camps] Lublin and Auschwitz;
Johann Mayer, Rassenkampf Street, Gelsenkirchen, [camp] Neuengamme; Walter Geartner, Wrocław, [camp] Flossenbürg, US PWE, currently 6/1/45. Signed and sworn in before me in Bad Neuenahr, Germany, 27 July 1945