Munich, 23 August 1946

I, Michał Walter, born on 21 January 1923 in Łódź, an automobile mechanic by profession, residing in Munich, Ismaningerstrasse 96/0, testify under oath as follows:

I know Franciszek Achter from the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Franciszek Achter was the head of a work unit (Oberkapo) in the Huta company’s work division, and later of the Faulgas kommando. I worked in those units under his command. I personally saw Oberkapo Achter harass prisoners, beating them with a pole, shovel and mattock. I saw him kill a prisoner at work. As far as I know, others died because of his abuse.

Achter was known as one of the cruellest kapos in the whole camp, and as a homosexual (Article 175).