On 13 December 1945, in Radom, Kazimierz Borys, Investigating Judge from the Second District of the District Court in Radom, based in Radom, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the provisions of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Halina Dłużewska
Age 23 years old
Names of parents Janina and Zdzisław
Place of residence Radom, Lubońskiego Street 9
Occupation clerk
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none
On 13 October 1942, my husband, Bolesław Dłużewski, born on 15 July 1911 in Lubień, in the
Iłża district, a cashier at the ticket office in Radom, was publicly executed on the gallows by

the Kielce road in Radom.

The circumstances in which my husband was executed were as follows: on 20 September 1942, he was arrested by the Germans at his workplace at 8.00 p.m. I learned about it on the following morning. I never heard from him again. I knew he was in prison because when I went there to bring him a package I received his underwear, but I didn’t learn anything else.

On 12 October 1942, when word got out that fifteen people had been hanged at the station in Rożki, I was told that my husband had been hanged there too. Upon checking, however, it turned out that he hadn’t been executed in Rożki. On the following day, that is on 13 October 1942, ten people were hanged on the gallows by the Kielce road. I wasn’t at the execution site because I was sick following the puerperium. But my father, who went there, informed me that he had seen my husband among the people executed there by the Germans with his own eyes.

Having been shown a photograph of the people executed on the gallows by the Kielce road in Radom, the witness testified as follows:

‘I recognize my husband. He is third from the right or eighth from the left.

I don’t know why my husband was arrested and why he was executed. I was told that his body, just as the bodies of all the other victims, had been taken to Firlej.

Some people, whom I don’t know by name, told me that after the execution a board was set up next to the gallows. The notice posted on the board said that the executed were "bandits".