On 2 December 1947 in Radom, the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, with its seat in Radom, in the person of Judge Kazimierz Borys, Chairman of the Commission, interviewed the person mentioned hereunder as a witness, without taking an oath. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Krystyna Bischoff
Age 28 years old
Parents’ names Aleksander and Aleksandra
Place of residence Radom, Żeromskiego Street 29
Occupation office worker
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

From 15 January 1940 to 15 January 1945 I worked as an office worker in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Sondergericht [special court] in Radom. This is how I learned some of the surnames of prosecutors and judges of the Sondergericht.

The Prosecutor’s Office was headed by Józef Blum, and Dr Kachlig, whose name I don’t know, was his deputy for a certain period of time. Moreover, the following prosecutors were employed there: Andreas Reh, Jakub Hiltegens, Karl Ballat, Maks Walch and Dr Münstermann, whose name I don’t remember.

The surnames of the Sondergericht judges, which I made an effort to memorize, were as follows: Ebert (president), Dr Kofler, Muchs, von der Mülbe, Dr Hubernagel, Langemayer, who was later transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office, Heyne – I don’t know their names – and von der Warth.

I also know the following surnames of the judges from the Deutsches Gericht – Paul Betthausen, Tomaschof, Jens – and the judges from the Obergericht: Frenken and Kubowitz, whose names I don’t know, and finally Burmeister, who was the president of the Obergericht.

I don’t know judges Pooth and Beel, but I think that Beel might have been working in the DeutschesGericht.

The Justice Department in the Governor’s Office of the Radom District was headed by Dr Wollman. Apart from this, Kraemer also worked there, but I don’t know whether he was Wollman’s deputy or successor.

The report was read out.