Kielce, 29 January 1946. The investigating judge A. Woskresieński heard as a witness the person specified below. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the importance of the oath the witness was sworn and testified as follows:

Name and surname Zygmunt Wachowski
Age 54 years old
Parents’ names Seweryn and Jadwiga
Place of residence Kielce, Żelazna Street 31
Occupation Director of Centrala Materiałów Budowlanych [Building Material Centre]
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

I was not at aleja Szucha at all, but I was incarcerated in Pawiak from 15 to 17 January 1943. I was released as someone caught during a round-up.

On the basis of fully credible accounts of my friends who were at aleja Szucha, I can assert what follows: technician Jerzy Jakubowski, my former employee, who worked then in the City Gas Works in Warsaw, was arrested and tortured. After his execution, his sister Janina Jakubowska managed to get his corpse, upon which she could see that he had broken legs and arms, and this had happened at aleja Szucha.

Engineer Stefan Kraskowski (domiciled in Warsaw at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street in the Czetwertyński palace) was arrested after he received a letter from an officer who had crossed illegally into Hungary. He spent three months in Pawiak and during that period he was several times taken to aleja Szucha, and twice he was beaten there. Recently he was living in Warsaw at Dobra Street 3. He was working in the architecture department of the Municipal Board.

My cousin Józef Dąbrowo, vice-president of the Regional Court in Warsaw, was arrested in my flat on 11 November 1942. After he was taken to Pawiak, he was several times interrogated at aleja Szucha, and he was being beaten and tortured there. He was deported to Majdanek, where he died in March 1943. He recounted the details of his interrogation and beating to the janitor of the house in which I had lived, whom he met in Majdanek; the janitor’s name is Antoni Fijałkowski, currently he is somewhere in the West.

My nephew Dr Stanisław Kijewski, domiciled in Saska Kępa, was arrested for hiding English officers, brought to the Pawiak, and several times interrogated at aleja Szucha, and he was being beaten so hard that after he would come back to his cell in Pawiak, he was not able to either lie or sit. He died in Majdanek, allegedly of tuberculosis.

Engineer Zygmunt Słomiński, the former president of Warsaw, and then the director of Tramwaje Miejskie [Municipal Trams] in Warsaw, was arrested in the middle of 1942, and after repeated interrogations at aleja Szucha, which included torturing, he was executed in a wood near Pyry.

Professor Stefan Bryła was arrested and after several interrogations at aleja Szucha, “quite elegant” ones, he was released and then again arrested, tortured, and executed in Aleje Jerozolimskie. The information about his execution was on posters. During my stay in Pawiak, I heard that he was being tortured.

Engineer Stanisław Plebański was incarcerated at aleja Szucha and managed to get out of there; now he has a construction company in Warsaw.

Engineer Czesław Przedpełski was incarcerated at aleja Szucha. Later he was released, three months ago he was living in Warsaw in Saska Kępa, Walecznych Street 25.

The report was read out.