In Kielce on this day, 7 July 1949, at 12.00 p.m., I, Edmund Bilski from the Criminal Investigation Section of the Citizens’ Militia Station in Kielce, acting on the basis of Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure (KPK) and on the instruction of citizen Deputy Prosecutor from the Region of the Prosecutor’s Office of the District Court in Kielce, issued pursuant to Article 20 of the provisions introducing the KPK, and complying with the formal requirements set out in Articles 235–240, 258 and 259 of the KPK, with the participation of reporter Stefan Boroń from the Criminal Investigation Section of the Citizens’ Militia Station in Kielce, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, pursuant to Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Helena Chmurzyńska, née Szplit
Alias none
Date and place of birth 10 July 1889 in Radom
Parents’ names Jan and Kunegunda, née Tokarska
Citizenship Polish
Nationality Polish
Marital status married
Number and ages of children 3 children, 20–25 years old
Place of residence Kielce, Świerczewskiego Street 19
Education 2 grades of elementary school
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation housewife
Financial status does not own any property
Military service and RKU membership
(District Army Recruiting Command) no
Orders and decorations none
Custody or guardianship no
Benefits from the State Treasury no
Sentences received none

With regard to the matter at hand I can provide the following information: On 15 October 1943 at about 11.00 a.m., two men came to my house while I was present there: one in a Gestapo uniform and the other in plain clothes. They entered the flat and asked me where my son Jan was – maybe at home. I explained to them that my son was in the labor camp for young men at Żelazna Street in Kielce, situated by the power plant. Then the men went to the indicated location. When they got to the camp, they arrested my son Jan and incarcerated him in the prison in Kielce, where he remained until 18 November 1943. I don’t know to this day under what charges my son was arrested.

On 18 November 1943 my son and nine other inmates were taken to Urzędnicza Street in Kielce, where my son and those other people were executed by shooting. I know that this execution was perpetrated by Gestapo men. The bodies of the victims were buried by the Germans at the execution site, that is at Urzędnicza Street in Kielce.

The report was read out and signed.