29 July 1949, Warsaw. Norbert Szuman interviewed the person named below as a witness who, having been advised of the criminal liability for making false statements, testified as follows:

Name and surname Wincenty Żuczek
Date and place of birth 13 March 1918, Warsaw
Parents’ names Wincenty and Władysława, née Wojciechowska
Religious affiliation Catholic
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Education Five grades of elementary school
Occupation Chauffeur
Place of residence Króżańska Street 17, flat 12, in Warsaw
Criminal record None
When th e Uprising started I was at the Grójec narrow gauge railway station at Puławska

Street. It wasn’t until the third day that I managed to get home to Króżańska Street 17. On 2 August 1944 I learned from people fleeing from Madalińskiego Street in the direction of Wierzbno that the Germans had set fire to the house at Madalińskiego Street 19/20 and killed its inhabitants. The property of Siniarski, a famous gardener, was located at this address.

When I returned to Warsaw after the Uprising, in February 1945, I became interested in this crime because my relatives had lived in that house. From those who witnessed the crime, that is, from Chrzanowska (she now lives at Olszewska Street 8) and Kalak, a streetcar driver, (Chrzanowska is likely to know his first name and address), I learned that my five relatives who had lived in that house, including two children and an older woman, were killed.

In February 1945 I was at the site of the execution carried out in Siniarski’s garden on 2 August 1944. I saw piles of burned bodies at every entrance to the house at no. 19/21. After the execution the Germans had brought two barrels of petrol and set the bodies alight. I learned this from two chauffeurs working at the city garage, located opposite Siniarski’s garden.

I also know that an exhumation was carried out on this property by the PCK (the Polish Red Cross).

At this the report was concluded and read out.